Welcome To Francessca's Blog~

Life with P.O.T.S.,Ehlers Danos, Dysautonomia or any chronic illness under the autonomic umbrella is not easy to live with. Explore with me what it's like to live life with P.O.T.S.and Hypermobility Syndrome. I will talk about the highs and lows of these debilitating diseases. As an only child, fanatasy and acting was always part of my life growing up. I didn't have brothers and sisters so sometimes my dolls were my audience when I sang or put on a show for my Mom. So,why not use Dizzy Dabee as my alter ego when I can not post. Sometimes I won't be able to posts and that's when Dizzy Dabee will step in and give me a helping hand. Hope you enjoy my blog!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

 ER trip last night My back and chest locked up Its a really bad feeling I would never wish something so painful even on my worst enemy It gets so bad that I can't sit down or lay down without pain.Not to mention my shoulder came out of socket . 
 I hate EDS and POtS with a passion. I usually never whine or complain but I think I should Let people know how bad it really Is.And Its Not just me Pots effects many people It effects everything that works automatic like  swallowing, heart,bp, eyes etc.Im tired of reading the message boards almost all of them complain. They tend to throw the pity poor me thing.And I thought instead of whining do something about it ! Tell your friends ,teachers,and co worker.Its one more person that knows
People allways seem to complain but they never do nothing about It That's why im doing the bake sale raise some money for research,The cause is really important to me.If they don't get enough funding they might have to drop the research program.
I know alot of you are thinking Noone cares ,The only reason they don't care is because they don't know what we go threw on a daliy bases.We need to educate show them make videos hand out flyers do anything really.Just because its not cancer or diabetes doesnt mean it Isnt Important. When reading what we go threw day to day.It makes other problems like breaking a nail,or getting stood up for a date sound silly.Every dollar counts and hey it makes you look like a better person :)
just click this link below It goes directly to BAKE SALE FOR POTS/EDS/CFS RESEARCH
Now scroll down page and you will see the words--ABOUT MY GIFT.
Click now scroll up to CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME
Now under it type in--Francessca's Bake sale donations for Dr.Rowe's POTS research/CFS clinic. (so we get credit and can monitor what we make)
Then specify amount etc... The donations will go directly to him with no middle man taking a percentage.
Thank you so much---remember every little bit helps