So I decided I definitely had to blog about this. Today.I went to therapy and then we went to the thrift shop and it snowed gum and rain drops. I'm sorry but there is definitely no way I can sugar coat this
so after therapy we did go to the thrift shop. Me and Mom ,were looking for books usually this is where I find my babysitters club and sweet valley twins and Lurlene books. I no longer read fear street because. I finished the series. I cheated and read the recaps on blog spot, sure saved me money. cd looks at me and my mom and smiles and says a four letter word. I'm sure most of you have heard for the faint of heart i shall bleep it out. He even had a kid with them i think. And this other old fossil dinosaur with him probably about a hundred but I'm bad a guessing age. Like he was in a kid aisle yelling f***ker over and over and over and over again. I'm shakin my head going mm mm mm and I whisper to mom," glad baby Sophie wasn't there with us." She repeats everything that she hears .My mom always says, ''children are like sponges they soak up everything they hear. " So basically there like sponge bob they absorb. lol I wonder what color sponge she is ??
Any ways mom told me the guy had turrets that he couldn't help what he was saying but idk if that was true I mean some people fake illnesses. Its hard to believe people these days. Like i heard this one girl faked cancer another faked turrets so they could cuss. I think they got that off of south park one of my fave shows i mean i even thought of faking a strange addiction to get on tv (not really that is a joke ) sorry for offending those who don't have a sense of humor.
That's like the one time i was at the dentist and some damn people left there baby alone unattended at first I looked around to see if the guy from what would you do was video taping me unfortunately not but those people were so careless i wanted to call social service on them those are the type that deserve to get their kid kidnapped I'm sorry but that's true you don't leave your kid alone for hours seriously. What's wrong with people today??